414-764-4465 info@dk-systems.com

5 Biggest Questions About Windows 11 Answered

Microsoft’s latest operating system is starting to take the world by storm. But before jumping ship and upgrading to the new OS, better read this first. It’s finally here. After six years, Microsoft has just released the latest version of its operating system —...

Favorite Home Hideouts for Attackers

Hackers love private homes. In fact, their favorite spots to hide are most likely in your house… Not only is your house chock full of personal private information (banking info, personal records, etc.), it is probably also become your workplace at least some of the...

Free Download? Or Fake Download?

You know that movie you have been dying to see…but it is not free through any of your subscription services? So you search for the title + “Full Length Free.” We have all done it. And it is not just movies. Music…books…games… Sometimes you find...

Skip the Hotel Wi-Fi…Here is Why:

If you TRAVEL frequently – or you have taken a local hotel up on their day-rental options, mid-covid to gain some quiet work space – KEEP READING Hackers specifically target HOTEL Wi-Fi – and it is not hard to figure out why: Poor securityLots of...